Driving – 20 July 2024

It’s the waiting that’s the worst.

We were intending leaving around 12.00 to 12.30, but as usual it took a little longer. Once we were on the road I was fine. All, or almost all of last week’s worries dropped away, as I knew it would.

We stopped for a ‘comfort break’ at Tebay and bought a chunk of focaccia and some fruit to eat when we got to The House.

Turned off the M6 at exit 37 and from there we we put the motorway behind us and we were on the single track and narrow dual track roads. One wrong turn led us to the outskirts of Sedbergh, but we managed to turn at a big Spar shop and find the ‘proper’ road.

After asking directions in Dent village we arrived at the house without incident.

The rest of the gang arrived in due course.

PoD was a rusty gate just across the road from the house. The gate apparently led to Mill Beck, but I never got to find out. Maybe the next time.


  • Driving.
  • M6.
  • Tebay.
  • Tailing a white van, then the white van tailed us.
  • Rolls Royce and Lamborghini.
  • A beer and a drink for Scamp on the terrace of the house.
  • Drove down to the village for the worst pizza I’ve eaten in a long time.

No more driving tomorrow, hopefully.