Exploring – 22 July 2024

On Monday we drove in to Sedbergh.

We wandered round the place, which didn’t take long and had coffee and a scone each in the Gundog Cafe. Old fashioned cafe with far too many tables and chairs for comfort, however, the coffee was good and so were the scones with cream and jam. Walked round the rest of the shops and bought some veg for dinner later in the week.


  • The narrow one-way streets
  • The number of book shops
  • Big school playing field with summer activities on the go
  • Incongruous sign “Beware Cricket Balls”
  • The Sedbergh Book Shelter where you can swap books
  • Pretty church with lots of roses
  • Old school
  • School door with faded varnish (PoD)

Neil was cooking tonight and it was Spanish Chicken. Very nice and also very filling. Another one to add to our recipe book,

Tomorrow we may go further afield