Sunday was dull and cold – 8 September 2024

Nothing really to recommend it, but I decided I wasn’t going out hunting for a jacket that probably doesn’t exist!

Found we’ve got a leak in the sink in the toilet. Not sure where the water is leaking from, but it’s not a lot, so short term answer is probably to seal it with some silicone from a gun. That will do until we can find a plumber or until I can get the parts to fit it myself. Not the best start to the day.

Scamp was pruning and deadheading in the garden and cutting the front grass. I went to St Mo’s and got a fairly sharp shot of a spider repairing its web. PoD went to a wee spider repairing its web. I wonder if it’s any good with repairing leaky sinks?

Spoke to Jamie later and actually we did most of the talking, although he was bragging about getting to actually eat most of his sweetcorn before the squirrels got to it. His wild tomatoes growing in a compost bin are amazing. Well done you, Jamie!