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With all the hype about the iPhone 6, there are those who say the camera in the iPhone 4 is inferior.  This is the result on a dull day, wide open at 1/15th in my unsteady hands. It’s certainly good enough for me.  Straight out of the camera, almost.  Only cropping done in Lightroom.


When the Campsies are plain, it’s a sure sign of rain.


Went for a walk as usual this morning from Auchinstarry.  Weather was no great, but soon it became quite dismal.  Drizzly rain by evening.

This was the view from the canal at Auchinstarry.  It was the last bit of sunshine we saw.  The view was a bit uninspiring although I did like the patch of sun on the hills.  I did what I could in Lightroom and then passed control over to Intensify, allowing it to bring out more detail and also to intensify (no pun intended – but it is a good name for the prog) the colours.  The final result is not really representative of what I saw, more like what I’d have liked it to look like.



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMy painting palette.  Painting is becoming a messy hobby.

It’s strange really.  Way back in the early ’70s I was dead keen on painting.  Then in 1974, I decided I’d get an SLR camera to take photos that would be subjects for a painting.  Little did I know that photography would take over completely from painting for the next 30 odd years.  Now that I’ve retired and have a lot more time on my hands, I can once again start painting and maybe, just maybe I’ll be able to use photographs as subjects for my painting.  It’s started.  I’ve already done one painting from a photo.  Who knows what will happen now.


Leaning on the rail


We went to Perth today.  We got coffee, tea and an excellent lunch for me at Cafe Tabou.  S didn’t have such a good lunch and was feeling under the weather on the way home.  However, a few voddies tonight helped her forget her woes (hope she doesn’t read this!).  The town was mobbed with maddies of the YES! and NO THANKS! persuasions, all steadfastly trying to sway the undecided and uncaring middle ground.  As one old guy we saw in the park said as he ripped off his sticky badge, “It’s a load of shite”.  Never a truer word spoken.


By the way, if you scroll down, you’ll see what the folk above were so interested in.



I never did like the idea of wearing chest high waders, but this bloke seemed quite at home up to his oxters in Tay water.  He was drawing a lot of admiring glances from the watchers on the shore, but he didn’t seem to be raising any fish, far lest netting them.  Lovely clear water too.



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Used to be called a SP in photographic circles, but I’ll revert to the now universal ‘Selfie”. It reminded me of the cover for Bill Wells and Aiden Moffat’s “Everything’s Getting Older” album. There’s probably a good reason for that.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWent for a walk along the Luggie this afternoon.  It’s the first time I’ve been there in ages.  Probably around 10 -15 years.  It’s not changed much and it was an interesting walk.  Lots of mating dragonflies round one of the ponds.

Spider webs get everywhere.  I liked the way these cow parsley seedheads were being pulled by the spider webs.

Spines and Berries

We walked down to The Broadwood this afternoon for a wee bit exercise and a drink. Enjoyed the walk through St Mo’s and down the back to the restaurant.  Was tempted to have fish and chips, as was Scamp, but decided a home cooked dinner would be better for us.  Maybe it was the wrong answer.  Pad Thai wasn’t too bad for me – if a bit spicy, but I don’t think S liked it too much.  Worth another try I think.DSC_8093- blog

Saw this branch just as we got to The Broadwood.  Just took a snap, but it turned out really well.  Most pleased.


Glasgow Sunset

IMG_2219-Edit-Edit- blog-2I watched this sunset building, all the way into Glasgow tonight, knowing that I’d left my camera at home. So it was down to the iPhone and Lightroom to save the day, literally!

This was the first night of Ceroc which is a cross between ballroom, jive, tango and salsa.  I think we both thought it was going to be easy-peasy, but it wasn’t.  In fact, it was a whole new ball game dance game!  We learned three new beginners moves which we both remembered when we got home, which was a great surprise to me.  Now we have to keep them in our heads until tomorrow, and possibly Thursday DV.  Then, and only then, we can record them.  Yes, I think we’d both like to go back.




The picture says it all.  The farmer of the Three Trees has made his position clear on the dreaded referendum.  I can’t say that I’d want to state my preference as visibly as that, but it was his choice, just as his cross in the box is his choice.  Good luck to him.



The rest of the day was taken up with cycling, a bit of painting and a lot of photography of beasties, mainly dragonflies which are still buzzing around in the first week in September.  This one was very patient for me.



It’s the top of a Dyson vacuum cleaner.  Very clever design and probably quite pointless, but worth taking a photo of for the POD.

Not a lot to say about today, so I won’t say anything, other than went a walk around the pond and watched the Italian GP.  Oh yes, and took a photo of a Dyson vacuum cleaner.
