Feeling down to earth – 5 September 2024

Not just physically down to earth, but also emotionally down, because the big adventure was over for now.

Hundreds of photos to wade through. Literally almost 800 photos to grade and work through. It’s great fun taking the photos, but not so much fun culling them and organising them. I addition to which, the month changed half way through the holiday and there were conventions to sort through putting files in order in the right place … Aargh! It’s a nightmare just thinking about it, but it has to be done. I have to remind myself, this is a task I’ve set myself for more than ten years now. Every year it gets harder, but I won’t change it just yet.

Today the cases were opened and the first load of essentials were dumped in the washing machine and then it was switched on.

I went out for a walk in St Mo’s and got today’s PoD which was a Jenny Long Legs. Not to be confused with a Daddy Long Legs which is an arachnid, as you well know.

We had taken the bins out last night and today it was time to drag them back in again. Normality had returned.

Tomorrow, more of the same, probably.

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