June – 2 March 2025

Today we lost a great friend. June Docherty.

  • Normal Sunday morning.
  • Coming down from the trip to Dundee and from a difficult dance class.
  • Standard fried Sunday breakfast.
  • A walk over to and through St Mo’s

Then, about 4pm, a phone call from Shona to say that her mum wasn’t going to be with us for much longer. We drove up to Shona’s house and waited until her best friend came to pick up Ben, then we drove to Monklands where I dropped off Scamp and Shona before I parked the car in a very empty looking car park.

  • Found my way through the corridors and off-shoots of Monklands.
  • Met by Scamp at the door of room 4 with the warning that she wasn’t good
  • All the family that mattered were there.
  • Paul left after we arrived and a nurse brought in a few chairs. Another bad sign.
  • June was tossing and turning, but two nurses brought in some meds, I didn’t catch the name and that calmed her down.
  • A doctor explained what was going on in June’s body and what processes they had tried to bring her back.
  • We waited while Ian talked to June although none of us knew if she heard us.
  • Around 7.30pm two nurses asked us to leave and then told us she had gone.

I find it hard writing this, but hopefully it will explain just how quickly she passed away. Hopefully, too, it will clear things in my head.

RIP June Docherty.

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