The last day of winter – 28 February 2023

That’s metrological winter, not real winter. We’re not going to be suddenly wearing shorts and tee shirts.

For a couple of weeks I’ve been having a nagging headache and a pain in my neck. Yes, I know I am a pain in the neck, but that’s not what I’m talking about here. I blamed it on the stress of going on holiday, but knew it wasn’t that. Just after 9am I phoned the surgery and got to speak to the nurse at the second attempt. She asked me some questions and gave me an appointment for 10.35. Just about 10.15 Hazy phoned and I managed a “Hello. How are you?” Before I had to drive up to the doc’s.

The doctor gave me a few prods on the back of my neck and down towards my shoulders and said she was of the opinion that it was arthritic in nature and has given me a month’s course of pills. More Pills! I managed a quick conversation with Hazy when I got back before I settled down with a cup of coffee to solve the Spelling Bee, I’d already scored 4 on Wordle.

After lunch I went for a walk in St Mo’s and got PoD which is a clump of Cladonia tangled up in spider webs. Not exactly earth shattering, but interesting little lichens.

The only other thing vaguely interesting was a deer which saw me before I saw it. It ran away until it was sure I was a safe distance away, then kept watching me while it fed on some coarse grass. I tried a couple of shots but it was far too far away.

Back home I made stew with the Instant Pot. Twenty minutes to cook 500g of diced beef, two kidneys, three carrots and a chopped onion. That’s not bad going. I reckon that twenty minutes could have been cut down to fifteen without causing much of a problem. Scamp had potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower.

We’re working through our backlog of tv shows. Tonight it was The Apprentice. Can these people really be as stupid as they are portrayed? I’m beginning to think that most of them are out of work actors making a dishonest bob. None of them would survive in a real job. So says a man who hasn’t worked in a ‘real job’ for about forty years!

Tomorrow we’re booked for coffee with Isobel.