Almost there – 7 June 2023

A day for doing as little as possible and not thinking too much about tomorrow.

As usual, I was just a little bit stressed, but Scamp suggested lunch at Broadwood, partly to reduce the stress and also so we had less work preparing dinner. It was the usual fare. Scamp had fish ’n’ chips and I had a couple of slices of roast ham and roast turkey with all the trimmings and a pint of murky Belhaven Best. Only drank half of it, just in case it affected my sometimes dodgy stomach.

Later I went over to St Mo’s and found a PoD which was a baby’s sunhat sitting on a tree stump. That might be a strange subject for today’s photo, but there is a Flickr group called TLOP (Things Left On Posts) and this would fit perfectly. There wasn’t much else to photograph. The dragonflies were still buzzing round the ponds and seemed to have no need of a rest, so TLOP it was.

Later we watched a Sewing Bee from our catalog of programs downloaded, but not yet watched. They seem to be making the tasks harder and harder this year.

After that it was time to set the alarm for 2.45am (!) and go to bed for a very short sleep.