Dancin’ – 24 July 2023

Not Aka’s weird gavottes, but dancing with Stewart & Jane. Real dancin’!

Yes, back in the saddle again. Drove to Brookfield for an hour and a half of dancing practise. My legs are still a bit fat from water retention and not enough exercise or whatever else it is. That made squeezing them into my dance shoes a bit of a problem.

First half of the class was Quickstep. More advanced footwork this time that seemed to stick in my head after Aka and partner’s nonsense was kicked out. I’m not entirely sure that it is still there now, but I’m sure we’ll have a go at it in the coming weeks because the teachers are off on holiday for a couple of weeks, so we’ll have plenty of time (tongue firmly in cheek!). A little bit of light relief in a sequence dance after that and then a relaxing Rumba which they seemed to have forgotten that we’d learned it during lock-down. Well we two had learned it, but presumably the rest of the class hadn’t! However, it was slightly different and it was done to a greater depth. Much was made of the footwork which I thought I could do, but not with the delicacy that S&J were demonstrating. Another sequence and we were off the leash for two weeks!

More washing and ironing while I continued rebuilding blog and Flickr. I did go out for a walk to the shops and on the way found a pair of glasses with a broken leg hanging on a lamp post. That fitted nicely with a group on Flickr that is entitled TLOP which stands for Things Left On Posts. That became PoD

We had a look around the garden later to see what we’d managed to save and what we’d lost to two weeks of high temperatures and no rain. Luckily our neighbour had saved most of the front garden because he’d watered it for us, but watering the back garden had been hit and miss with our six foot fence between us, but some things look like they might survive with Scamp’s care and attention. We’ll wait and see if we get some decent rain in the next few days. Lots of pots soaking in buckets just now.

A little rain later, and more promised for tomorrow … hopefully.