A parcel arrives – 27 June 2023

Today we were going to Stirling for the messages.

Drove to Waitrose and decided to get the messages first then go for a coffee. As usual we spent more than we intended to, but went for a walk into Stirling for a coffee to console ourselves. Loads of folk milling around taking photos. Tourists! They should be banned. Eventually the tour guide rounded them up, counted the legs and divided by two and seemed satisfied with the result. Then he shepherded them away to their waiting coach. Probably wished he had a sheepdog to help with that!

We drove home Scamp found a note to say there was a parcel waiting in the shed. It was a lovely wee blue pot with a Pleiospilos nelii or Split Rock plant from Hazy. Thank you both very much. I did think of trying to drill a drainage hole in the bottom of the pot, but the risk of breaking it was too great, so I just left it as it is.

After a few trips to the car to empty out all the bags of messages, I went for a walk in St Mo’s and it rained. That didn’t stop me getting some photos of a bunch of wild Geraniums flowering away nicely in among the grass. That was PoD.

Once the Split Rock plant, now named Nelly for obvious reasons, has settled in it will make a great subject for an inside photo.