A dull day. Not unknown on Skye, but as we’ve found in the past, even dull days can be turned around. Wandered round Portree taking to occasional shot. I wanted to visit the bakery tea room as one of my Flickr acquaintances has done a sketch/painting from there. It was mobbed, but I got the view he’d painted. I’d like to have the guts to sketch in such a public place. Maybe some day … Anyway, I got myself a new shirt in Skye Batiks. Rather a grungy red and black one with a white batik pattern on the back. Such comfortable shirts. Expensive, but comfortable. Then is was on the road back to
Staffin. We stopped at the waterfall because I wanted to try a ‘new’ method of shooting multiple images and then blending them in Photoshop to simulate a long exposure. I’d initially intended using a variable density ND filter to do the job in one shot, but forgot to pack the ND. It’s just a cheapo, so it’s not great, leaving light blotches on the finished image, but it’s good for experimenting. The results, while not perfect, show that I am on the right road and with a little more tweaking, ok, a lot more tweaking, I can dispense with the bog awful variable ND filter entirely. Well, after all, that’s what Photoshop is for isn’t it?!
Just in case anyone is wondering why I’m belting out so much text, it’s to pad out the blog to see how Ecto – my latest contender for Offline Blog Editor is going to handle the text and images. So far it’s very favourable, almost as good as MarsEdit.
After I managed to work out the practicality of making the multiple shots – camera manuals as PDFs and tablets that can read them are a godsend – we headed back up to Staffin.
I tend to read your blog on my iPad. Some of your other posts from offline editors have had strange line breaks and formatting. This one looks formatted normally. I’m not sure what could be making the difference but it’s something to bear in mind.
Thanks Hazel. Now I just have to work out which of the blog writers I used. I’ve noticed that some of them, notably Blogo do strange things when I insert graphics. Thanks for the heads-up.