Dancin’ – 12 June 2024

A lovely day as far as the weather was concerned, but we did very little.

Spoke to Hazy in the morning and heard about Neil’s recent illness which turned out not to be kidney stones, but the docs don’t seem to know exactly what it is. He’s been given another course of stronger antibiotics to see if that improves things. Hazel also filled us in about Penny’s cancerous tumour. It isn’t operable, but Hazy says the cat is eating better and that’s a good thing.

Scamp started working on a pile of ironing and I felt I should do something too, so I measured up the new mirror for our bedroom and managed to get it sitting level at the second attempt, then had to move it just a centimetre or so to get it into the best position in our congested floor space. It’s up now and steady. I do hope it doesn’t go bump in the night, with it being the 13th of June after midnight tonight!

Scamp was heading out tonight to a dance show in Denny High School. The only dancing there would be today, because Kirsty had cancelled tonight’s class due to lack of numbers. Jeanette was meant to pick Scamp up around 6pm, but when it came to 6.30pm and after Scamp had texted her, we decided that I should drive her there. We were just getting to the motorway when Scamp got a message from Jeanette to say that she’d forgotten all about it and would be with us in 20min. But by then we were on the motorway and heading east. We managed to get to the school just before 7pm, she got her ticket at the door and went away, relieved. I drove back home at a bit more sedate speed, enjoying the beginnings of lovely sunset.

I had been out in St Mo’s earlier looking for the evasive damselflies and dragonflies, but there were none to be seen. Lots of bees of various colours and patterns and I took what I could get. Bees, insects, wild flowers, I’m not fussy, well not very fussy. PoD went to a little red fly on top of what I believe is a Sorrel plant. “The pretty little Sorrel with the fly on the top!” Ask your mum if you don’t know what that’s all about. Something to do with Oklahoma, I believe.

Scamp did get a lift home from Jeanette who just made it to Denny in time to see the curtain go up. Glad they all managed to get a seat together.

Tomorrow looks wet. At least we won’t have to water the garden.


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