Got a little bit of sunshine today – 11 January 2023

Scamp was off to Costa this morning to meet up with Isobel. June had a problem to sort, so she called off. I stayed home and did more tidying up of the back bedroom.

Actually I spent a lot of the morning poring over other folk’s photos on Flickr. I also read my blog post for 10th January 2022 and found great similarities with my thoughts on 11th January 2023, namely that the weather was awful and it was getting harder and harder to find a picture every day that would deserve the name of PoD. Then I glanced out the window and it was raining. There’s the reason. When the weather is so persistently bad, it’s difficult to find the incentive to get up of the sofa, get dressed for winter and head out into the cold to take some photos that look so dull they could be monochrome. What is the point? Then, five minutes later, the sun shines and lights up a patch on the hills and I just want to go out and capture it. A 365 isn’t an easy thing to do, but it does force me to get out of the house and find something interesting.

When Scamp came back we had lunch and then I took a big blue IKEA bag filled with broken or obsolete electrical stuff out to the council skips. As the light was still holding up, I drove up to Fannyside and parked in my usual spot in the shelter of the big Scots Pines. Then I walked down the road to see if I could get a close up view of the old ruined farm. Walking down the path I spotted a couple of sheep, sheltering from the cold west wind. I managed two shots of them before they headed off. That photo was to be PoD. I didn’t know that then, of course, so I carried on until I was nearly at the farm, but I couldn’t find a path to take me closer and to be honest, although it was bright and sunny, that cutting wind was making me think of a nice warm car, rather than a mucky tractor path to a ruined farmhouse. Maybe another day. That’s what I told a solo sheep that had come to interrogate me. I bade it goodbye and walked back to the car and drove home via Tesco.

Scamp was feeling a lot better today, but was still not completely free of whatever had upset her stomach, so she asked me to pick up some Kefir milk or yoghurt at Tesco. I also needed tomatoes for Friday’s starter. Last, but not least, we had no plain gin. Yes, we had raspberry gin, but no honest to goodness plain gin. That in itself needed remedying! Got the essentials and also filled up the tank of the blue car

Dinner tonight was Prawn and Pea Risotto. I’ve not had the courage yet to try the Magic Pot for risotto, so this one was hand made in a normal pot on the stove and it turned out fine.

Tomorrow looks a bit like today. If I’m going to get a decent PoD, I’ll have to be up and out early. That’s unlikely to happen, but we’ll see what transpires. Hoping to go dancing in the afternoon.

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