No Dancing for Scamp – 6 September 2024

There was no FitSteps class today because the teacher was under the weather. I felt sorry for Scamp, I think she was looking forward to some exercise.

I had an appointment at Monklands hospital for a check-up because I’d had a problem with dizzy spells and with my BP. However, that seems to be fixed now but it’s best to get it checked. It only took a few minutes to stick on the sensors all over my front then to read the results. The girl working the computer didn’t tell me what the results looked like and I didn’t press her. Results in a week I’m told.

From Monklands it’s just a hop and a skip to GO Outdoors. I was looking for a new raincoat, a good one like my blue one used to be. I’d hoped to get one exactly like the blue one, but couldn’t find what I was looking for and went away empty handed.

That was about it for the excitement of the day. The PoD was a close up with a specialised lens called a LensBaby which does a great job of distorting things. The subject was a Switch Ophelia, a colour changing Hydrangea.

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