Frogs are back – 16 March 2023

A fairly early rise for breakfast and see Jackie safely on her way back to Skye.

We got a bit edgy waiting for the taxi and the blue car was ready to drive her to Glasgow if it was needed, but just at 9.15am the car arrived and with her cases in the boot, off she went. It was really good to see you, Jackie even if it was only for a few days.

Once we’d had breakfast, Scamp phoned June to give her a share of our beautiful cake and to just have a good blether. While she was off drinking coffee and talking, I’d intended to do some painting, watercolour painting that is, not “two coats of Crown gloss”. No, I’m not into that at all! As it turned out I didn’t manage to get brush to paper, because instead I rebuilt my old Mac Book Pro. I had planned to cannibalise the SSD drive that was in it, but now I think it would be better keeping it as it is. That took me ages more than I thought it would, because the screws that are used to fix the SSD into the MBP are not normal cross-heads, but three slot screws and that meant I had to search for the three bladed screwdriver. With the drive back in place I needed a tiny cross-head screwdriver to fit those. The poor MBP has been disassembled and reassembled so many times since 2009 that more than half of the screws are now lost.

When Scamp came home, we had a late lunch. After that I drove to Tesco to buy some extra ‘messages’. I came home via St Mo’s and parked there for what is maybe the second time since we landed in Cumbersheugh. As I was walking across the boardwalk in the rain, I spotted a ripple in the water, and then another and yes, it was frogs. I only counted four of them, but they had been busy. Great rafts of frogspawn stretched across the pond. After the council dug up and cleared part of the smaller pond, I though the frogs might not return to lay their egg, but they have, or at least four of them have. It’s a start.

Unfortunately I didn’t have the best lens on for photographing frogs, but it was ideal for wide angle views of the burn and waterways that had been created by the rain that’s been heavy and continuous for most of the week. One of those burns had made a tiny little waterfall by the side of the path and that became PoD.

We watched The Apprentice tonight when five became two. I didn’t totally agree with the two who were chosen, but I am beginning to lose faith with this show. How can anyone who has gone through what must be a rigorous pre-show selection process produce a business plan riddled with the number of holes that those five had. It makes me wonder how many of the participants are actually business people and how many are actors.

So, Jackie sent a text to say that she had got home safely and had enjoyed spending all that money all that time with us. I hope you remembered the address to let you read the blog JG! Tomorrow Scamp is intending going to FitSteps and I might just start that painting.