Warm sun, Cold wind – 19 April 2023

The wind was gusty today and from the east. Never a good combination.

We’d considered going out for a run today, somewhere scenic, but the temperature was just 8.5ºc when we woke and it was taking quite a long time to rise. We sat for a while enjoying the warmth of sun shining in the window while knowing it would be much cooler outside.

After lunch we went for a walk round Broadwood Loch. Unfortunately they are still working on the forest section. Re-laying paths and improving the drainage, apparently. We did see one bloke driving a small dump truck. I’m beginning to think he’s the only one working on this project which started in February and doesn’t seem to have an end date, at least not one that’s been made public. Still the dump truck drives around and it’s keeping someone in a job.

Broadwood is a big featureless walk if you exclude the forest section. Unlike Drumpellier, it doesn’t have any side paths to explore. Today with the bright sun in our faces going down one side of the loch and the east wind in our faces going down the other, it was a bit of a trudge. Thankfully Scamp suggested we cut it short and miss out the walk past the exercise machines and I was happy to agree. 2.7miles we walked and I got two decent photos from it. PoD became a picture of some blossom. Scamp held the branch for me to keep it steady in the gusts. Broadwood is not the most scenic of walks, but I think that’s what I said at the start of the paragraph.

Maybe my exertions from yesterday’s labouring were beginning to take their toll on me today. I just didn’t feel as fit as I should be. Maybe I need to get out more. Two shorter walks a day rather than one long one might be a solution.

Tomorrow we are going to Margie’s funeral. She died on the 8th of April. It will be a long day.