Dancin’ – 29 June 2024

An enjoyable dance class for once.

It started with a few Butterfly Jives. The teachers need to realise that some of their pupils are not as young as they used to be. After the third one, I was beginning to think this was a bad move. After sitting in a car for forty-five minutes with the only movements being my feet on the pedals and a few hand movement on the wheel, the toe-taps, spins and toe-heels were raising my blood pressure and overworking my lungs. But as soon as it started, it finished … thankfully!

The next dance was a gentle Foxtrot. It must be my favourite dance, slow and gentle. While it didn’t have anything energetic, it certainly had a lot of technique with Sway and CBMP. I don’t have a clue what CBMP is other than it’s when you move in one direction while your body is trying to go in another. The teachers make it look so easy, but then, they would. They’ve been practising it for ages. I still enjoyed it.

Stewart managed to squeeze in a couple of Tina Tangos when it seemed we were all losing the place with the Sway and the CBMP. The first one was to Ed Sheeran’s Shivers just to please Scamp.

Last ballroom tracks were for Joy’s Waltz which everyone thought they’d forgotten until we’d danced it through a couple of times and then it sort of fell into place. All down to Muscle Memory.

A couple of fast tracks finishing with Fireball! complete with clapping and shouting “Oi”. Great fun. An almost totally enjoyable class. Just a bit too much theory for me in the middle.

We drove back home via Cowcaddens where we parked and went to pay for and pick up the Tamron 70-180mm f2.8 Di III VXD G2 lens. It might have been Buyers Remorse, but when I got it home, it wasn’t quite as good as I’d hoped it would be. I’m not totally sold on it and it may not end up being a keeper. Only time and a few hundred more test shots will swing it one way or the other. Today’s PoD was taken with it. Just a green leaf but one with lovely curvature.

Tomorrow looks better than today, but no plans for what to do with it yet.