Enjoyin’ Dancin’ – 13 July 2024

Out to Brookfield to the last dance class for a while.

Three weeks off dance class. The teachers are off on holiday teaching on a cruise ship in the Canaries for two weeks and recovering for another week. I hope they have fun!

Today’s class started with the Butterfly Jive after a couple of walk-throughs. With a little bit of help, I sort of made my way through it. Two units at the end of the routine are still just beyond me, but I’m sure with Scamp’s help I’ll manage to get them sorted out.

Next we went straight into a technique session about the Foxtrot. Very technical in places, this pointed up where we were both going wrong with my favourite dance. Sometimes I felt I was doing something wrong and Stewart corrected it for me and sometimes Scamp was not quite in the right place and that was fixed by Jane. Altogether we learned a lot about the techniques. Then we had a strange practise session where we had to dance the same six steps over and over again while applying CBMP (Contra Body Movement Position) where your legs to in one direction and your upper body goes in the opposite direction. Difficult to explain and counter intuitive to dance, but once you get it, it improves your dance technique – or so I am told. I have enough trouble getting my feet to go in the direction I want without encouraging my upper body to go in a different direction!

The last half hour of the lesson was a refining of the White City Waltz and the Blue Angel Rumba. All in all it was a very useful morning and one I enjoyed. I think the fact that the class size was small and that allowed folk to ask for help and to correct problems.

Drove home through fairly light traffic, so light in fact that we took a shortcut through the Clyde Tunnel and merged back into the M8 without missing a beat. Scamp calculated that this was Glasgow Fair weekend, which might account for the light traffic. Whatever it was, it cut about 20 minutes from our usual commute.

We’d booked a table at The Cotton House for 2.15pm today and had a filling lunch. Thai Spring Rolls followed by Chicken Chow Mein for Scamp and Chicken Satay followed by Salt and Chilli Chicken with Noodles for me. No room for dessert, but I did have three jelly beans as my sort of dessert! Glad we booked, because the place was full.

I couldn’t be bothered going for a walk when we got home. Too dull and with rain predicted. Instead, I found the PoD when I was wandering around the garden and saw a Green Orb-Weaver Spider building its web on our gigantic Teasel plant. Meanwhile, Scamp wasn’t happy with the Berberis she’d replanted. It was falling to one side and just didn’t look right, so she dug it up and replanted it a second time.  Now it looks right. Scamp the perfectionist!

We watched two episodes of The Turkish Detective tonight. Interesting, but the Detective Inspector’s delivery reminded me of Columbo. Entertaining police drama with some elements of dark humour. Yes, I’d watch another couple of episodes.

I finished a book that Fred gave me, The Secret Hours by Mick Herron. It was like saying goodbye to an old friend. It’s a spy story with so many twists and turns, it left me wondering who was following who. Jamie and Neil, I’d recommend it to you. Unputdownable is the only way to describe it, although as it was reaching its end I wanted to put it down, just so I could keep reading it later, if that makes sense!

No plans for tomorrow, but it looks like rain again.