Return of the damsels – 14 July 2024

One of those days with a white sky above the Campsie Fells but with low clouds lying in the valley. It happens a lot here it’s temperature inversion I think.

Once the day had warmed up and we’d solved Wordle and Spelling Bee, it was almost lunchtime. Scamp made Shakshuka which is eggs poached in tomatoes and spices. It was very nice, too. I think I could probably stretch to cooking that.

The big story of the day was the shooting of Donald Trump. Just a flesh wound, thankfully and the assailant was brought down in a hail of bullets which seems to be the American way of dealing with these things. Still, I suppose they had to avoid the bloodbath that could so easily have happened.
On a lighter note, I was wondering if one of the security guards really did shout Donald, Duck!

We watched Laura Kuenssberg’s attempt to get some sense from some Labour Party woman who only wanted to robotically recite the party line ad nauseam. Not a lot of cut and thrust there and I got the feeling that Laura was thankful when that interview finished.

Moving away from politics, and on to more interesting stuff, Scamp was ‘tidying up’ things in the garden later in the afternoon and I took myself off to St Mo’s to see if there was any activity there. Indeed there was. Not only were there butterflies flitting around, but also there was one dragonfly and a few skittish common blue damsels. Two or three days of warm sunshine had brought them out.

When I came back, Scamp and I sat reading for a while, while cooling down with a G&T each. It was quite pleasant until the rain started and forgot to stop. It didn’t get really heavy, but it was persistent.

Dinner tonight came from the freezer and was reheated Carrot & Lentil Curry for Scamp and reheated Chilli con Carne for me. Dessert was half a strawberry trifle shared between us. The remaining half will hopefully be tomorrow’s dessert.

PoD was a Common Blue damselfly sitting on the edge of the boardwalk today. Most of the insects were very nervous and flew off whenever I came too close. This one didn’t. It just sat there soaking up the sun and watching me, intently. It felt like it was sizing me up as its next meal!!

I walked home before it could attack.

England lost in the final of the Euros. That’s a pity, but at least it might “put their gas at a peep” as we say in Scotland, at least what auld guys say in Scotland!

No plans yet for tomorrow. As usual, it all depends on the weather.