Icy! – 4 January 2025

The ice from yesterday had melted slightly during the night

However, early in the morning today it froze solid, leaving treacherous black ice on the pavements and on the roads. We weren’t intending going far, but we did need milk and something for tomorrow’s breakfast, so we would need to go out at some time today.

I spent a lot of time pruning down the catalog that almost worked yesterday in the hope that it would just work, but it didn’t, well not completely. I left where it was, not wanting to destroy about three year’s work and helped Scamp.

Today the tree and the decorations were coming down and being packed away. Technically it’s not twelfth night until tomorrow, but Scamp was ready to get started today. With two of us working on it, it didn’t take too long, about an hour all in including the time to record the number of cards we’d received. That was a bit of a cheat as neither of us had sent any cards this year. When it was done, the living room looked a wee bit bigger and a big bit emptier. It’s always the same every year.

Later in the afternoon we decided that there had been enough of a thaw and we’d walk down to the shops. As always, the estate paths and roads had not been salted and the paths were quite treacherous. But we made it there and back again without too much trouble and I even got a photo, a single photo of a wee weed growing from a gap in a low wall.

I fancied making Paella for dinner and coincidentally Scamp had the same idea. While I was waiting for the chicken to defrost I sat down at the disaster that is the iMac and completely removed all the photos I’d carefully placed yesterday and then started clean and it’s looking a lot better. Not perfect, but definitely much better.

We may get some white stuff tomorrow.