Another beautiful morning – 13 March 2025

A beautiful morning when you were in the sun, but not so good when you were outside. Thankfully I wasn’t.

Scamp was out early to go the the hairdresser in Condorrat, while I struggled with Wordle which is now installed in the iPhone.

After she returned, she headed off again, this time to meet Isobel for coffee. Stayed home just in case I was needed for anything (which I wasn’t) and watched the world go by. I bought an 18mm wide angle lens that would work on both the big camera and the wee one too. Second hand, of course. I also found time to make my lunch.

Scamp returned from her blether with Isobel and we made ready to visit the Celebrant. A fairly young man who made himself at ease in Paul’s house. He asked us all a multitude of questions. Some obvious ones, like getting names right and family connections. Some less obvious, like what was June’s favourite colour! It took us some time to work out what he was doing, but we realised he was just trying to get a feel for June. He explained that he also liked to wear a tie the same colour as his subject would wear. I liked that.

After an hour of questioning that felt more like a comfortable chat, he had most of the information he needed and had filled many pages in his well worn book and took his leave and we knew we were in safe hands.

We drove home via Tesco to get some ingredients for tonight’s dinner and some bulbs for Scamp to plant.

I went for a walk over to St Mo’s and today’s PoD was lichen covered hawthorn branch with two bright red berries on it.

We watched a depressing episode of The Apprentice but we couldn’t generate much interest in it. Too repetitive.

Tomorrow we may go out for lunch. It depends on the weather.