Back in the old routine – 22 June 2024

10:15am found us driving towards Glasgow and on to Brookfield. We were going to dance class.

When we got there the ickle girls were being presented with awards for being the best ballet dancers in Brookfield Hall while Stewart & Jane looked as if they were about to blow a gasket. I could understand why. We lost ten minutes of our dance class to this little frippery.

Jane was the one to call a halt to the celebration when she started clearing away the unnecessary seats and allowing us to get out of our trainers and into our dance shoes while the little charmers went charging round the hall. Then we danced a little bit of fluff, the Blue Angel Rumba It wasn’t blue, I saw no angels but there was a little bit of rumba there. Next, as we’d expected, we went through the Butterfly Jive. Again, I must complain because there were no Butterflies although there were a few Jive steps. It’s quite complicated and it’s FAST. Far too fast for my poor feet. They’ve only just learned how to waltz and foxtrot, but aren’t experienced enough to handle a fast Jive. Neither am I come to that. I managed to get my phone to record the routine and hopefully between now and next Saturday we’ll have had a chance to learn the steps and assemble them in the correct order.

Next was a new ‘improved’ version of the Tango we’d learned ages ago which had a ‘Prom turn to Rock turn’ added to it. I’d never understood what a Prom turn to Rock turn was, something to do with 6th years leaving party added to Mick Jagger’s on-stage antics. Actually it’s just fancy word for a turn and then rocking back and forward. Next Jane added ‘The Chase’ which I didn’t understand and still don’t. Just a whole pile of pirouetting on the dance floor, much like the ickle girls were doing earlier. Thankfully Scamp managed to make sense of this new dance language and we got through it.

We finished up with another couple of sequence dances, a Midnight Jive and a Bossa Nova. I can handle them.

I was so relieved when the teachers started clearing up, because my little brain was full after we did the Blue Angel Rumba and I was beginning to get a nagging headache.

We drove home through the lightest traffic I’ve ever seen on the M8/M74. In fact, when I glanced over to the Kingston Bridge, the traffic on it was travelling at about 50mph. Unheard of on a Saturday afternoon.

I was absolutely beat and feeling quite down, when I got home. A piece ’n’ egg helped, but didn’t cure it. Scamp suggested I take a couple of paracetamol and I did and I felt better. Went for a walk in St Mo’s later and got a few photos. That’s where the PoD came from. It’s what my mum called Purple Vetch, so that’s what I’m calling it too.

Dinner was provided by Golden Bowl, Chicken Chop Suey and Fried Rice for Scamp and a Special Chow Mein for me. Both quite, quite delicious. A large glass of red to wash it down helped too.

The walk in St Mo’s lifted my spirits and the Golden Bowl helped too, but the heavy lifting was done by Scamp, as always. Thank you my love for talking me out of a bad day … again!

Nothing planned for tomorrow, but I think we need to practise the Butterfly Jive. Who knows, we may even find the butterfly!

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