Autumn colours – 13 September 2024

Two leaves, one yellow and one red. They sort of went together.

It was a cold morning, about 5ºc when we woke and the temperature didn’t rise much. I spent the morning getting things organised while Scamp was off at her FitSteps class. I’d intended sealing up a leak in the downstairs sink, but the silicon I was intending using was solid and the only other one I had didn’t look as if it would ever solidify again. I thought I’d get a new tube in B&Q, but we were going to visit Isobel first.

Isobel didn’t look well, but she is being looked after by a succession of health visitors and nurses who seem to be satisfied with her progress. Scamp had brought her tablet with photos of the Jersey wedding and that kept her interested even if she didn’t know that side of the family at all. I suppose a wedding is a wedding no matter who it is that’s getting married. That’s the other think I’d intended doing, putting some of my photos of the wedding on Facebook. Maybe I’ll have time tomorrow. After a cup of coffee, a blether and a catch-up, we headed home, via Tesco.
Isobel had been complaining that she used to get chicken sausages in Tesco, but they don’t seem to sell them now. I found them in our miniature Tesco. Must ask her if these are the ones she was looking for.

Back home and after the sausage sandwiches, we more or less frittered away most of the afternoon. I did get out for a walk in St Mo’s and got a PoD of a couple of colourful leaves. For the first time in ages I was wrapped up in my winter Berghaus and for a while I did need it.

Hopefully going to dance class tomorrow.

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