Computers! – 26 May 2024

The morning was all about putting more things in the new laptop.

Later we realised that One Drive was clogged solid and was wanting more space to put the data from the old PC. There seemed to be no way to unclog it and by lunchtime it was obvious that the data wasn’t going into the space we’d allocated for it on the C: drive. This surely wasn’t right. It got to a stage where the only sensible thing to do was to restore the machine to the way it was in the morning, when everything was working.

It took it a while to do that, but by the time dinner time came around, it had restarted and with a few omissions it was running just the way it had in the morning. We set it aside and had dinner after a few arguments.

Spoke to Jamie later and heard how he runs his PC in conjunction with One Drive. It sounded a lot easier than the way we were doing things. Maybe that is the way to go.
Good to hear that his Bee Orchids, whose flowers actually look like bees, were looking good. He even sent us a short video to prove it. By the time he hung up, and we’d watched the end of the Monaco GP, we had an outline plan of what to do to get this laptop show on the road.

Except it didn’t work out like that. When we turned the laptop on, we were met with a BSOD. The dreaded Blue Screen Of Death. The death of the laptop. It wouldn’t boot. From about 8pm until just after midnight, Scamp and I tried every possible combination of the multitude of problem solving hints and tips that were appearing on the blue screen. Nothing worked. Eventually Scamp made the corporate decision to go to bed and suggested we take the broken laptop back to JL in the morning. When she had gone I tried another alternative solution, using old fashioned DOS, but got nowhere. It’s now a quarter to one and I’m going to bed too. Hopefully the Techs at JL will come up with a solution.

PoD was an Aquilegia taken in the rain, just to be a place marker.

The prompt asked for a bitten apple. This one has definitely had a little nibble taken out of it.

Tomorrow, realistically later today, will surely be a better day than Sunday.

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