Here, there and everywhere – 15 March 2025

A day for cramming loads of things in.

Started out this morning watching the first qualifying for this year’s F1 GP in Australia.

Next, I was heading for Glasgow to pick up my new lens. Thought I should look for some Paracetamol capsules and Ibuprofen for Scamp instead. Some raspberries for her wouldn’t go amiss too. I don’t know what’s wrong this year, but paracetamol, and ibuprofen are quite hard to come by. Maybe there is a ‘bug’ going the rounds and everyone is stocking up on them, but raspberries? Why are they so difficult to come by? All of a sudden there are no raspberries nor strawberries to be found. Just to contradict myself, there were a few trays of strawberries today. Lots of those strange, naked looking white strawberries too. I just drove back home with the meds and my fruit for Scamp.

After a frugal lunch of bread and cheese, we both set off looking for a suitable vase to hold the bouquets flowers we’d accrued over the last few days. Locally first, then further afield to Falkirk until Scamp found the vase she was looking for. I must admit the vases of flowers in the living room give the room a totally different look.

We drove home after that and I decided I’d just enough time to take the train in to Glasgow to pick up my new lens. Scamp didn’t want to come, she was happier to rest up for a while.

Long story short, I drove to Croy station, got the train to Glasgow and walked from Queen Street station up Bath Street to WEX and picked up the Samyang 18mm f2.8 lens. Then it was back down Sauchiehall Street to the city centre, stopping on the way to photograph the demise of the 02 ABC building. Glasgow was buzzing today. Groups of folk, mainly young folk sitting outside enjoying a pint or two in the late afternoon sun while the more mature Glaswegians were heading for home on the bus or the train. It did feel like spring!

Just managed to get on the Alloa train and retrieved my car from the carpark then drove home.

The lens seemed to be fine. No scratches nor scrapes on it, so I took it to St Mo’s to take some photos of the setting sun from the top of the BMX track. Checked them at home and they looked fine. I’m hoping to do a more detailed check tomorrow if the weather permits.

PoD was the partial demolition of the O2 ABC building in Sauchiehall Street with the ill fated Art School in the background.

More lens testing if the weather behaves tomorrow, and the possibility of the first F1 GP of 2025 later.

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