It was up, breakfast and out to the gym! Yes, you read it right, the gym. We’d signed up a couple of weeks ago and I was interested to see how exhausting it would be. It wasn’t all that bad, in fact it was quite enjoyable. I don’t think I’ll become a gym-bunny any time soon, but I might buy myself a new pair of trainers and a new rucksack.
The next task, and one I was certainly NOT looking forward to was replacing a power socket just below the kitchen cabinets. These things are a nightmare to access, and this was no exception. I felt I should be wearing those close-up glasses surgeons wear. Why are these things put in such inaccessible places? Anyway, after a lot of
swearing and a bloody finger, the thing is in place. I’ve used it twice and it hasn’t gone bang yet.
As a release after the tension of the electrical work, I went for a walk to St Mo’s. For once, it wasn’t deer I was seeking, but simply good light. Also for once it was there in abundance. Lovely directional light with intense darks behind. For once, all I had to do was crop and sharpen slightly. No real tonal adjustment. No use of Photoshop. Just nice to use almost the whole frame