A day in the sunshine – 14 August 2022

This looked like it would be the last day of fine weather before the rains would come.

It’s no fun being confined to the house with the coughs and sneezes that seem to go along with the general fatigue that comes with Covid. Heaven knows what it would have felt like to those poor folk who caught it two years ago, before the vaccine became available. Although we’re feeling miserable now, it must have been a hundred times worse for them. We should be thankful for small mercies.

Well, we may not be able to go out into the wider world, but at least we could enjoy the sunshine in our garden. Scamp was busy deadheading the roses and most of the other garden flowers. Just keeping herself busy. I was happy to read in the sun with a bottle of beer to keep me company.

PoD went to a little industrious spider who was building its web in the apple tree. It was a tiny little thing working methodically round and round the web before it settled in the centre and waited for visitors. I guess these tiny arachnids must have the instructions for web building hard wired into their brains, because there are no teachers to show them how to do it.

Later in the day the clouds rolled in and the predicted thunderstorms arrived bringing the heavy rain in their wake. I felt sorry for the spider. All its work building that web had been washed away in the deluge. We had buckets out all over the garden collecting as much rainwater as we could. We’d also left the tomato plant and the chillies out too to benefit from rainwater.

The heat will be gone tomorrow, but there will be a fresher feel to the place. I might, just might go for a short walk tomorrow if I feel up to it.