Happy Birthday Jamie – 16 August 2022

Second day in his new job and it’s his birthday too!

We did another test this morning, just to get an idea of progress, or not. Mine was immediately obviously positive, but Scamp’s test wasn’t quite so conclusive with a light red line that grew a bit darker as the fifteen minutes passed, but we both agreed it was still positive.

Not a lot to do today. It rained on and off all day. Lighter rain this time and with occasional dry spells. I nipped out for the chance to take a few photos in between showers.

Had a word with Jamie in the evening and he sounded happy enough with his new position. He seems to know what is required of him and is up for it. We never doubted that he would be.

Nothing more to say about things other than almost up to date with Flickr posts and also with blog posts.