A strange day – 19 September 2022

Today was the funeral of Queen Elizabeth, who will always be Mrs McQueen to me.

I started the day putting the washing in the machine and switching it on. Scamp was settling down to watch the pageantry and I got hooked on it too. We both watched almost the entire ceremony. From the poor blokes who were pallbearers carrying the coffin in to Westminster Abbey to the hearse leaving to take her to Windsor Castle. I couldn’t tell you why I found it so fascinating. It might have been the colour or the grandeur of Westminster or the excellent photography. I think it might have been the silence. No running commentary to get in the way, to explain what we could see with our own eyes as some commentators delight in doing. For once the BBC got it right and just let the music and the sounds and the images do the talking. Not one car had moved in the whole of the street. Nobody was going to work today. Almost all of the shops were closed for at least the morning here and some were closed all day. Nobody wanted to go anywhere.

Once it was all over we had lunch and Scamp went out to work in the garden, taking cuttings, chopping up plants and just being outside in the fresh air. Later I took the A7 for a walk in St Mo’s and got a spider building a web bridge as PoD. I also made a photo from seed head that looked like a tassel. I’d tried and failed to get what I wanted yesterday, but today I was happier with the result.

Oh yes, and I got an Explore award on Flickr for ‘Down on the Canal’. It was literally ‘down’ on the canal. Kneeling on a pontoon, hanging the camera over the edge to get the reflections of clouds on a still area of the canal. I don’t know if it was worth the risk of a cold ducking to get the shot, but it worked.

Tomorrow morning Scamp is out for coffee with Annette and I might start something I’ve meant to do for a long while.