Colzium – 21 March 2023

It was much better day than yesterday, a day to go for a walk.

Scamp suggested we walk around Colzium. I thought that was a good choice. It’s a circular path or to be more correct it’s a collection of intersecting circular paths that allow you to take as long or as short a walk as you see fit, or that you feel fit enough to walk!

The first problem was that the road we usually take was closed today so we had to weave our way through the traffic calming single lanes through Croy, but it did us to Colzium Estate.

Just for a change we didn’t aim for the big car park with the pot holes that are ‘going to be repaired’. The question is “When?”. Instead we parked in among the trees in a much smaller car park, but one without pot holes.

We set off up the hill and met a couple coming the other way. They warned us that if we were heading for the cafe, we were out of luck. A waitress had spilled hot soup down her leg, so they had closed the cafe for the day while the ambulance people dealt with the casualty. We had both been intending going to the cafe on our way back, but we were going to be disappointed. Instead we plodded on and up the long curving driveway that used to bring the posh folk to the Big House. We followed the road round the back of the estate and on to the path through the woodland and out at the bridge over the Colzium burn which was on the way to being a raging torrent today. A few photos later we started down the other side and I saw an opportunity in a view over a mossy dry-stane dyke to the farmlands over to the east. Nice framing from an old beech tree and I had the makings of a PoD. We followed the route of the burn down to the road then back to the car. A decent 2.5mile walk on a warm spring day. Not to be sniffed at.

We drove home by the old road that climbs through a narrow gorge in woodland then follows a burn to Dullatur. From there it’s a boring drive through half a dozen roundabouts to Tesco and the makings of lunch. Scrambled egg for Scamp and Cheese for me, served on a well fired roll.

I did think of taking a walk round St Mo’s, but instead inspected my photos and decided I had enough for a PoD which turned out to be that mossy dry-stane dyke. Besides, I knew that a parcel had been winging its way from Darn Sarf and would arrive between 3 and 4pm. Scamp was settled to do some ironing, so I got to the door when the DPD bloke knocked and the parcel was disappeared, as if by magic.

Jackie sent us a link to an MP4 file with all the photos of Wee Jaki’s wedding. Some lovely photos there. Thank you Jackie. Scamp has the file now too.

Dinner tonight was Pasta Amatriciana (bacon, tomatoes, shallot, spring onion and a pinch of chilli flakes). Afterwards we watched a quite entertaining Celebrity Bake Off. Don’t know what they will do when Matt Lucas leaves.

That was about it for today. Scamp is intending going to Glasgow tomorrow for a Witches Day. I’m intending painting, if I can get my backside in gear.