Off for a bit of culture – 13 April 2023

Meeting my brother for a wander around the West End. Glasgow West End, obviously!

Scamp was adamant that she didn’t need or want the car today, so I thanked her and drove to the station to catch a train to Glasgow. Did a bit of window shopping in JL, but it gets poorer every time I visit the “toyshop” where they keep all the cameras. Except there were no cameras for sale there, just second-hand laptops or iPads. Not called second-hand of course. They were “refurbished” or “returned goods”, but everyone knows what they are. Nothing worthwhile for me.

Walked down to Buchanan Street bus station to meet Alex and we got a bus out to Kelvingrove. We had walked a fair bit, must have been about 100m, so we had to take a break for lunch. By then the crowds had gathered to listen to the organist’s daily recital and we left, but not before I took a shot of three men in a dark corner of the main hall. One was a statue, one was a human, one was a painting, but they are all men, all looking in different directions, as men do! I’d only noticed the statue when I was taking the shot, but the other two were revealed when I was processing it at home, and it became PoD.

We left by the back door, which, allegedly is really the front door. Google “kelvingrove art gallery back to front” and make your own mind up. There’s definitely a coverup somewhere.

We walked up the hill in the general direction of Glasgow University and found the Hunterian Art Gallery. There we wandered round the rooms within the gallery all hung with paintings some with labels, but most not. I couldn’t really understand the reasoning. The guide states that it’s the way pictures used to be hung. I think they were just too lazy to label them, or maybe they’d lost the original labels and didn’t know what was in the pictures, especially the abstracts.

I enjoyed looking at the paintings, especially those by Samuel Peploe and Edward Hornel, but I knew Alex wasn’t really impressed, so we went in search of the Hunterian Museum which is nearby, but tucked away in a corner of Glasgow University. That’s Scotland for you. Hide away the good stuff or folk will want to come in and look at it!

All the things that were wrong with the gallery were sorted in the museum. There were some horrible looking things preserved in formalin in glass jars. But there were also fascinating things like an Egyptian mummy in its sarcophagus and an ancient computer that was constructed to solve complex algebraic functions and seemed to be run by allowing balls to run over metal tracks. I wish now I’d taken more time to photograph the building itself with its exposed wooden trusses in the roof. I might go back again some time, all being well.

When we had had enough culture for the day we returned to Kelvingrove for a coffee and a blether without the interruption from the organist. Then we went back into the town, got off at Charing Cross and walked down Sauchiehall Street. I caught the train home and Alex got the bus. We agreed that we maybe need to go further afield next time. I suggested Aviemore on the 50p express bus and Alex fancied Edinburgh, also 50p, but with a more regular service.

It was Chicken Milanese for dinner tonight and it was just as delicious as it usually is. Scamp was the chef, of course.

Tomorrow I’ve to collect my new glasses after I’ve given a little drop of blood at the health centre.