Panic! – 11 May 2023

How helpless are we without a phone.

The day started well, sun shining in the window and the garden looking good. The Shooting Stars were enjoying the sun and I thought I might just catch a few shots of them before we headed off to Paisley. A quick lunch and we were off to Glenburn for the first tea dance in was seemed like months.

This was a displaced tea dance. It should have been last week, but for various reasons it had to be moved to this week. Whether because the change of date didn’t work for some folk or because everyone was confused, there weren’t many of the regulars there. We did get up for a few dances, even struggled through a Quickstep. Almost managed to make the Foxtrot work for us too. It wasn’t the same though with too few folk on the floor.

This extra dance was also a celebration of the Coronation and Stewart & Jane had put up bunting, had hot sausage rolls and extra cakes at tea time and generally put a fair bit of effort into making it a success.

We left a bit later than our usual 3pm because there were a couple of sequence dances Scamp wanted to walk through, then we were on our way home by the long way along the M74. Longer in miles, but much quicker in the long run. Also no stop go going over the Kingston Bridge.

When we got home I thought it might be a good idea to go over to St Mo’s to get something to add to the shooting stars I’d taken in the morning. The sun was still shining and everything looked fine, but apart from startling two deer in the woods, there was little to interest me and I walked home. I heard a strange engine note from a plane as I was walking back and checking with Flight Radar I found it was a Pilatus PC 12, a turbo prop which would explain the high pitched note.

Back home I had a seat in the garden with a beer while Scamp put the finishing touches to the dinner which was chicken with new potatoes, tomatoes and peppers. She was disappointed because the chicken was a bit dry. I did think we might have had our dinner outside, but it was getting cool by then, so we ate inside.

I was just getting ready to start the sketch for today’s prompt when I realised I hadn’t seen my phone. It wasn’t in my pocket, nor was it anywhere in the house as far as I could see. I decided to retrace my steps and see if I could find it before it got dark. I walked over to St Mo’s going by the paths I’d taken. I knew that the last time I’d used the phone was when I was checking the PC12 and I knew exactly where I’d stood to do that, and that was where I found the phone, lying face up in the grass with a little slug giving it the once over. Black phone in a black case in the gathering gloom. It could have gone completely unnoticed. Oh lucky man! I phoned Scamp and told her the hunt was over.

The prompt asked for a Lighthouse today.
After rifling through my photos for an interesting subject I came upon a photo I’d taken back in 2008 of Neist Point Lighthouse on the Isle of Skye. It’s not the typical shape for a lighthouse, but it was interesting enough to draw. A bit squint perhaps, but that’s ok.

Tomorrow we may be going to Hamilton for a lunchtime curry.