Mrs Robinson goes to a dance – 7 September 2023

Today we were taking Isobel to a tea dance in deepest Paisley.

It was a muggy morning with heavy skies and no sign of the sun, but it did clear up in time for us to drive to the Village to pick up Isobel. We were the first folk to arrive in the hall at Glenburn and had the pick of the tables!

The room filled up quickly and we were joined by a couple who we meet on Saturday mornings. It was a waltz to start with and I made a fair hash of it, but at least we were on the floor. The usual order of two ballroom tracks followed by two sequence tracks continued up until tea time then we had time to sit and blether. I think my favourite dance today was the social foxtrot. It’s a nice easy tempo to dance to and nothing strenuous or difficult to remember and no need to work about getting in folk’s way, plenty of time to take avoiding action.

We left as usual just after 3pm to avoid the schools coming out and managed the transition from M77 to M74 with ease. A bit longer road than going over the Kingston Bridge, but so much more relaxing than having to crawl along behind the car in front always looking for a space to appear in the lane that’s travelling faster than yours. It gave Isobel a chance to look around at different scenery too. She even explained what the massively tall fence round just outside the city boundary was. I thought it was a council tip and the fence was to keep the seagulls away, or the poly bags in, but it was a golf practise range. I’ve been driving that road every Saturday for weeks and never realised that’s what it was. You live and learn.

Dropped Isobel off at her house and drove home via Tesco for fruit and to replenish Scamp’s Pimms cupboard, but by then the clouds were thickening and it looked like it had been raining in Cumbersheugh village. Back home the streets were dry, but maybe that was a precursor for what is forecast for next week.

On the way to Glenburn there were notifications of Ayr Air Show beginning tomorrow and lasting until Sunday. I thought we might go, but in the air show page on the net, it didn’t look all that enticing. I think we’ve seen most of the aircraft before. The only good thing about it is that it’s free, the down side is you are standing, possibly for an hour waiting for something that might be cancelled due to weather conditions. We might not bother.

I took out my ancient Tamron SP 70-300mm f4-5.6 Di for a walk in the park when we got back. It’s a Nikon fit, but it works on the Sony A7iii on a Viltrox adapter in manual mode. It has a load of faults, but still produces the occasional good image. Today was a good image day.
A shot of Field Thistles beginning to fill the air with their fluff balls became PoD.

Tomorrow, no plans. I think I might sit with my feet up. Walking around Glasgow all afternoon yesterday, dancing class at night and a tea dance today takes it out of my poor wee legs and feet!