The morning that disappeared – 20 February 2024

Woke this morning after a restless night with a sore throat and a head full of cotton wool. No, I hadn’t been on a bender. I had a stinker of a cold.

We were booked for lunch in Glasgow this afternoon, but that wasn’t going to happen. Scamp took one look at me and asked if she should try to reschedule the lunch appointment. At first I said no, but then thought it was the best way to deal with the situation. Luckily Scamp got the reservation changed to next week and all was well again. I went back to bed and slept for another two or three hours, I can’t remember which. I finally got up about 1pm and had tea and toast for my lunch along with a couple of vitamin c tablets and two paracetamol.

Once that lot were in my system I felt a bit better. The weather was drying up and I suggested Scamp and I should go for a walk to St Mo’s to see the Fairy Trail, because she hadn’t seen it yet and we reckoned it would be magicked away some time soon. So that’s what we did. I got a few more photos of the fairy houses with the washing lines, but PoD was a shot of St Mo’s pond across the reed beds shining in the sun. Once round the pond was enough for me today and we walked home to coffee (for me) and Ovaltine (for Scamp).

I struggled in the rest of the afternoon with the awkward way ON1 2024 has for making and saving presets. Nowhere near as simple as Lightroom. I’m still undecided whether to keep it or get a refund. I’ve got a week to decide.

Dinner was Mac ’n’ Cheese with bacon strips for extra flavour. Made by Scamp of course.

Today’s prompt was Turquoise.
Yet another boring rather than challenging subject. I could have drawn and painted a necklace or a charm, but instead I drew a tortoise and painted it turquoise. Turquoise is a really awkward colour to mix using water colours, easier, I believe in oils. The way I mixed it was with a sap green and sky blue with the magic ingredient, White Gouache which gave the opaque white I needed to take away the greyness the other two colours made by themselves. I think Tommy the Turquoise liked his pink toenails!

This was always going to be a fairly short blog post, because I’m off to make myself a hot toddy and go to bed.

No plans for tomorrow, but I’m definitely feeling better tonight.