A dull morning that became a dull day – 24 June 2024

Another white sky day. I spent most of the morning writing the catch-up blog for yesterday. While I was doing that, Scamp drove to Tesco to get the messages and by the time she came back, I had almost finished yesterday’s story. I helped bring in the messages and then realised I’d forgotten to tell her to get porridge. Finished the blog and posted it, and then it was lunch time.

Lunch was a dodgy bake-at-home pizza from the Pizza Express range. This one was a BBQ Chicken flavour. If you ever see it, pretend you didn’t and walk on. Probably the worst pizza I’ve eaten for many a long year.

After I got the taste of it out of my mouth, I went for a walk in St Mo’s. The weather was really muggy and uncomfortably warm. As I was walking over I did feel a couple of spots of rain, but it didn’t come to anything so I just continued on. I was carrying the A7 with the heavy 105mm macro lens bolted to it. That meant the most comfortable way to carry it was in my rucksack. Having the rucksack meant I could carry my raincoat too, just in case. However, I didn’t really need it a few spots now and again was all that troubled me.

No wildlife around in St Mo’s not even a few damselflies. The nearest I got to something interesting was a black and white Pellucid Hoverfly. I don’t remember ever seeing one before and I only found out what it was, by copying one of my photos of it into Google Images and discovering it that way. The PoD went to a plant I see quite a lot of in St Mo’s in the boggy areas beside the boardwalk. Quite a pretty plant, but decidedly difficult today when a bit of a breeze got up.and the whole thing started to gyrate.

John, next door had watered the garden on Friday, or was it Saturday night. Anyway, it was our turn to return the compliment. I fitted the hose for the first time this year and doused both our front gardens, then finished off by watering the back garden, I think that’s one of the problems with plants in pots, as opposed to in the ground. It takes longer to get round all the different pots and check that you haven’t missed any.

After that, and with the hose and connector put away for another week or so it Monday and my turn to cook. I made White Pasta or Pasta Carbonara to give it its proper name. I thought the sauce was too watery, but Scamp said it was fine.

Wrote to Alex and arranged a photo walk for this coming week.

No plans for tomorrow yet.