Culross (Sorry Hazy) – 6 August 2024

We couldn’t decide where to go today, once we realised it really was dry outside!

After discussion and after rejecting A Walk Down The Green and after accepting Dunfermline only as a last resort – there’s nothing there now except the park and the peacocks. I suggested Culross.

I follow a Canadian photographer Gaetan Bois who almost always uses a cinematic 2:1 format (two units long to one unit high) and often shoots with a wide angle lens. I’ve tried his method and while it doesn’t always suit my subjects, it gives an interesting frame for a photograph. I just knew I could get some nice wide angle shots across the Forth estuary from that would work with the 2:1 format. Thankfully Scamp agreed without knowing my reason and off we went.

Culross was very busy. The carpark was almost full, but we found a space and with blue skies and fluffy clouds above us, we went for a walk. Keeping the Forth on our right hand side we walked in the general direction of Preston Island which, if you’ve read the blogs before, you’ll remember is not an island any more, but has been reclaimed using slag from the now defunct Longannet power station. No, I was lugging a heavy camera and two heavy lenses today, so no long walks thank you very much.

We did walk along the path beside the old rusty railway and crossed at the gate, then walked further on until we found a seat. Some of the views south, across the water to Bo’ness, are quite stunning, but today the tide was well out and it wasn’t so inspiring. That didn’t stop me from taking plenty of photos, of course!

One of the reasons for going to Culross was that we could have a spot of lunch, either at the Red Lion pub or at the Biscuit cafe, so after our rest we walked back the way we’d come to find somewhere to eat. The first possibility was the Red Lion. It had been busy when we were walking out and when we reached it on the way back, it was possibly even busier. No free seats in the marquee, so it would be the Biscuit cafe.

We got there just as a table was being cleared, so at least we’d have a seat. After a look at the menu, Scamp settled on a scone and a latte. I fancied a bacon roll and a flat white. When the girl came to take our order Scamp asked for a scone with jam and cream. No scones – sold out. I asked a bacon roll. You guessed it, no rolls. The girl was very apologetic. There were more people than they’d expected. I ended up with a flat white and a bowl of very good soup. Scamp had a latte with a slice of my bread. Still, it was a lovely day and we needed a good day after yesterday’s rain.

We had a look in the pottery shop downstairs, but the prices were a wee bit more than we were willing to pay, so we returned to the car and drove home, still in sunshine, but with a few black clouds now on the horizon.

Dinner for me was Sunday’s stew with potatoes and cauliflower. While Scamp’s was Cauliflower Tomato Cheese a new twist on Cauliflower Cheese from an old Rose Elliot book. We watched a few folk running races and some bikers too at the Olympics in Paris

PoD was a view across the Forth to Bo’ness, just as the tide was beginning to come in. It just didn’t inspire me once I’d messed around with it in Lightroom. The colours just didn’t work, although the 2:1 proportions worked for me. However, once it was reduced to black & white, I liked it and that’s what made it PoD.

An hour ago we had a really heavy shower of rain. It only lasted ten minutes at most, but dropped a fair amount of rain in that time. I’m glad we didn’t get caught in anything like that during our walk today.

We’re hopefully going to dance class tomorrow, other than that, nothing planned.