Stravaigin’ – 25 September 2024

“Wandering with no particular intent.” That’s what Alex and I were doing today, on a cold morning when the temperature was about 3ºc at 8am.

We met at the bus station and went for a coffee as usual and neither of us had a plan for the day. Sometimes that is good, sometimes not so good. It all depends on your frame of mind, I think. Scamp had driven me to the station and I just had enough time to buy my ticket before the train arrived.

Alex and I agreed we’d walk down to St Enoch’s to get some photos. Alex wanted to get a shot of the pigeons on the Teacher’s building. The building used to belong to the Teacher’s whisky company, but it’s changed hands many times since then. Today it seemed as if it was changing again, because a giant cherrypicker was parked outside it with the usual red and white barriers around what was going to be a building site. Alex was disappointed, to put it mildly.

I too was disappointed, because the photo I wanted was covered with half erected fun fair attractions. A Christmas fun fair already? It’s still September! Anyway, it didn’t look as if my photo was going to work either. That didn’t stop me taking a few photos and just blurring out the background with a wide open aperture on the lens.

From St Enoch’s is only a hop and a step and a jump to the Clyde Walkway where the graffiti artists show off their skills. Today we were really lucky because one of the artists was there insitu working on his latest piece, apparently entitled “I think I’ll go eat worms” (Don’t try this at home children). Watching him work made you think it was easy, but I’m pretty sure it isn’t. I counted at least 20 spray cans in a mix of colours, so, not only difficult to master, but also fairly expensive too.

From there we wandered along to St Andrew’s Church because Alex seems fascinated by it. Me, not so much. When I’d eventually prised him away from the buildings we walked up to George Square to have lunch, which was a roll with spicy chicken and a bottle of juice each. We usually have a pizza, but as we’re both on a diet of sorts, the lighter lunch seemed sensible.

By the time we’d finished, I was almost ready to head for home, because tonight was dance class, so we walked up to the bus station just in time for both of us to catch our buses home.

Dinner for Scamp and I was yesterday’s veggie chilli which was a wee bit hotter tonight. Then it was time to “put on our dancing shoes and dance away our blues”. It was a reprise of last week’s class since some folk hadn’t been at that class, and others were struggling with the moves. Actually, on reflection tonight, Scamp and I agreed that the floor is just too small for a Foxtrot which requires a fair amount of space. It also requires learners who don’t just stop dead on the dance floor and have a wee discussion as one pair did fairly often.

PoD today was a view looking out from the inside of the subway at St Enoch’s. Sometimes you have to think outside the box and sometimes you just have to look outside …

Tomorrow is probably a Tea Dance, and maybe a chance to dispose of some old junk.