Busy – 20 September 2024

Almost a duplicate of yesterday, but with Scamp being the busy one.

Scamp was out at FitSteps in the morning and I was rolling around under the downstairs wash hand basin squirting more silicone into the place where the leak was in the hope that it would stave off the drips, at least for a couple of days until we could get a plumber to fix it properly.

I was making my morning coffee when I saw a blackbird having a wash in the bird bath in the back garden. By the time I’d grabbed a camera with a long enough lens, the blackbird had been ousted by four young starlings who were squabbling as starlings do, all trying to get washed in the bird bath. Eventually the fighting became more restrained and the numbers dropped to two who were splashing away merrily. That was PoD taken care of, because soon it would be all hands on deck.

When Scamp returned with lunch, I was again rolling on the floor. The living room floor this time adding an extension to the round table that would turn it into an oval table. After lunch, work started on the starter and the dessert, both Scamp’s strongholds and nothing to do for me. Instead, I got the hoover out and gave the hall, kitchen and living room a good going over.

I did think of taking a walk in St Mo’s, but the weather had turned dull and misty and there really wasn’t the need for more after the starling photos. Instead, I processed the photos.

Crawford & Nancy were the first to arrive and almost immediately afterwards, June & Ian’s taxi appeared. A full house tonight. Lots of catching up to do with everyone. Dinner worked out well. The starter was Prawn Cocktail (no tomatoes for Nancy). Main was Chicken Tagine (no olives for Scamp). Dessert was Tiramisu for everyone.

We showed some photos of the holiday and the wedding. I’d spent most of the afternoon coercing the tablet into playing nice with Chrome and actually casting the images on the TV.. Thankfully it worked on the night.

The visitors eventually left just before midnight and, after loading the dishwasher and a gin each, we finally got to bed about an hour later.

We might need a morning’s worth of work to get everything back in place.

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