A deteriorating day – 18 June 2024

The morning promised so much with blue skies and fluffy white clouds, but then then it started to cloud over and the promise of the morning was gone.

It didn’t stop us from getting out in the garden and doing a bit of pruning of anything that looked as if it was struggling, straggling or had lost all its flower petals. Scamp did the low roses and I did the high up ones. I think we do need to more brutal with the pruning of the roses this autumn to try to force more growth from the lower branches. The flowers at the top of the rambling rose are almost reaching the upstairs windows.

There was some rearranging to be done too, especially on the Compte de Chambord. It was growing lop sided in its pot, with most of the buds facing a wall. I volunteered to pull it out of its place and turn it around so the rose buds got the benefit of the sunshine. It has the sharpest and shortest thorns in any rose I’ve seen. Some stems are completely covered in them.

In the afternoon, Scamp was about to head down to the shops when the rain started. It was a wise decision on her part to wait for the rain to go off, because it just seemed to get heavier and heavier for a couple of hours and then the rain clouds blew away and all was well again. Scamp got her walk to the shops and just after she returned, I went for a walk in the park. While we’d been pruning in the late morning, I grabbed some photos of the peony rose, Karl Rosenfield. It has only produced one flower this, its first year. Apparently that is quite common on Peonys and we’re hoping for more next year, all being well. Karl Rosenfield got PoD, but I got a couple of shots in St Mo’s, mainly wildflowers sprinkled with raindrops. Some are on Flickr.  Glad we did both go out for a walk, because later the rain returned.

We didn’t do much more today. I think the rain curtailed a lot of things. I messed around with the new version of ON 1 2024. It’s OK, but that’s all. Nothing like as good as the rave reviews the company were throwing around for the last couple of weeks. It’s really clumsy compared to Lightroom or Capture One. The only thing I use it for now its the excellent resizing app and its really fast denoising ability.

Hope you’re settling down now Hazy and hoping for a good resolution of the problems. BTW, Boozy Gladys was very, very nice. Lovely flavour. Tomorrow I’m intending to test Captain’s Grog!


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