A lazy day – 22 September 2024

We’d agreed on a lazy day today.

No dinner parties. No evening dances. Just a lazy day, perhaps with a walk if the weather was agreeable. That’s almost exactly what we did.

After catching up with yesterday’s blog we settled on doing as little as possible today. The weather was dry, but cold. The wind especially was bitter cold at times. However, I did take myself off with a nice heavy jacket and a camera to grab some photos. Scamp gave me a large polythene bag, just in case I came upon more brambles that we could freeze. That was useful, because I was sure I’d find some of the black fruit. Came home with a PoD, 220g of brambles and purple hands from the juice of the fruit.

PoD turned out to be a photo of a bloke walking his dog down a local lane. I’ve always liked that view through the trees to the mysterious opening at the end of the path. The autumn colours helped too, even if they are totally fictitious … as is the man. I blame AI!

Came home to a table set for dinner, thankfully just for the two of us. Dinner was a steak (Medium rare) for me and a salmon fillet for Scamp. Both with veg and potatoes. The remains of Friday’s Tiramisu for dessert.

We watched a recording of the Singapore F1 GP and later spoke to Jamie. Just catching up on what’s happening down south. More stories about the diabolical deeds of British Telecom. Not the best communication company in the UK by all accounts. Thankfully we are now rid of them for good.

Tomorrow we are hoping to go to Larky. Scamp has an appointment for an eye test and I need a new pair of reading glasses. I might take a camera with me!

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