A walk around the pond – 15 January 2023

It was a bright morning, but we didn’t get out. Although the sun was shining, it was cold outside and as we didn’t need to be anywhere or to do anything in particular we saw that as a reason to stay put. Scamp had a problem with her FitBit and we struggled with it for a while, eventually getting it to work fairly well, but not properly. We decided we’d been sitting too long and got the heavy jackets and coats on, then went for a circuit of the pond.

Once we were out and walking, it didn’t feel so cold, although once round the pond was enough for Scamp, so she went home and I stayed for another walk round and into the woods too. I got today’s PoD there. It’s the seed head of one of my favourite wild flowers, or weeds if you prefer, the Cow Parsley. I spooked a deer when I was out in the woods. It stood watching me for quite some time and I almost got my camera out of its bag before it saw me and loped off into the undergrowth. By the time I was coming home it was becoming much colder and it’s forecast to drop down to about minus three tonight.

We worked at Scamp’s FitBit again for an hour or so before dinner and I think we have resolved all the problems now, but my fingers are all crossed, which is why I’m finding it difficult to type this blog! These thing seem so simple when you see them outlined in YouTube, but they never are in reality.

Dinner tonight was the remainder of yesterday’s curry and as with all curries, it was better on the second day. The lack of salt wasn’t so noticeable and we had it with rice and a couple of flat breads.

Spoke to Jamie in the evening and heard about their posh meal with baud. Simonne is off to Japan next month on business. I remember how lucky I felt when I got a full day off to go to a business meeting in Airdrie! While she’s away, Vixen is going to the kennels for a few days.

We have no plans as yet for this coming week, apart from a visit to a travel agent to, hopefully, find somewhere we can fly to from Glasgow or Edinburgh then have some quality time on a cruise ship. It might be a pipe dream, though!

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