Taxi to the airport at 12.30pm and through book in and security in double quick time. Apart from having to go through security twice because I forgot to leave the laptop out. Boring flight home to the cold. Speaking of cold, I’ve picked up a wee cold and the decent into Glasgow was really painful. Did manage a wee walk before the taxi arrived and got some photos.
Lots of these insects flying around. At first I thought they were dragonflies because they were about the same size and their wings clattered like dragonfly wings. Then I saw a couple on the ground and decided they were too big to be grasshoppers and also too dark, so I think they were locusts.
They look like Virginia Stock, but they were wild flowers, not cultivars. Very delicate and quite pretty.
This cat was stretched out on the forecourt of the local Spar shop, getting as much sun as it could.