Dancin’ – 30 May 2024

Dancing and really enjoying it for once!

Drove through the busy M8 to Glenburn community centre for today’s tea dance. I don’t know what was going on, but the traffic both ways was much busier than usual and that led to us being just a wee bit late

We started off with a waltz, as always. Just to get us into the swing of things, we danced the first part of Kirsty’s Waltz on repeat. Next was a sequence dance then there was a Foxtrot and a Tango, two tracks of each interspersed with two tracks of sequence dances. The line dance today was the Waltz Across Texas, one of the most dire and depressing line dances. The one where nobody smiles. We didn’t dance it. That took us up to the tea.

After the tea break, Stewart started with Scamp’s favourite, the Tina Tango, inevitably danced to ’Shivers’ by Ed Sheehan, then we were back on the script with another waltz. And this time we danced what is now being called the Four Seasons Waltz. It was the Christmas Waltz, the Winter Waltz and then the Spring Waltz. Now it seems to have found a home as the Four Seasons Waltz. Whatever it is called, we danced it, the moves constantly improving as we went, and by the time we had danced both tracks we were getting it right most of the time.

Time was slipping away and soon it was our turn to slip out the back door, waving “cheerio” to those who didn’t have to drive through the hoards of school children. We made not bad time getting home by the longer, but quicker M74/M73 route that avoids the bottleneck at the Kingston Bridge.

It was Thursday, so Scamp asked for and got a bunch of flowers. She was quite exacting in her description of a bunch of flowers. In other words, she didn’t want plants. Much as she’d have liked them, we just don’t have anywhere to put them.

Tonight’s dinner was yesterday’s veg chilli bolstered with some passata and spiced up with some cumin and coriander. It tasted fine, but it the extra liquid makes it look like the pot is as full as it was yesterday. The magic porridge pot becomes the magic chilli pot!

After we’d eaten, Scamp started a purge on the spices cupboard. Anything older than 2024 was emptied into the bin and the jars are ready to go into the recycling bin. All 28 of them!

PoD was an easy one. The second Schoolgirl flower to bloom this year on the rose bush at the front door. The first bloom was about 3m above ground, so it would have been difficult to photograph!

Henry Hippo, the catwalk icon from the 9th of May, returned to model today’s prompt, Pyjamas.
Although hippos live in mainly warm countries, the night time temperatures are often very low. That is why Henry and other right thinking hippos often wear comfy pyjamas after the sun goes down.

No plans for tomorrow. Scamp is intending to meet Isobel after her (Scamp’s) FitSteps class. I may go for a walk.

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