Dancin’ – 8 June 2024

Driving Brookfield in the morning for a dance class.

The class had three couples logged in yesterday. This morning there were seven. A busy class

Mambo Marina to start with and then straight into a quickstep we don’t remember seeing, but apparently it started as a Covid dance-in your-living-room lesson. Neither of us had seen it before, so I assume it was for the more advanced class. Broken into bite sized chunks it was easy, but put together in Quickstep tempo is was difficult. Let’s just say we survived it.

A Mayfair Quickstep which is nothing like a real Quickstep and then we were in to the new shortened version of our Foxtrot routine.

It’s not as fluid or as flowing as the full Foxtrot, but after listening to the teachers, I realised it’s designed to be danced in a busy dance floor, because overall it’s a short routine with shortened units. I understand the reasoning, but I don’t think it works very well. However, that was what we were doing today because most of the participants this morning were going to Perth next week, so this was mainly for them. We weren’t going. My fault, blame me, but one Gala Ball per year is quite sufficient for me and as the June one was screwed up from the start I suggested we wait for the November gala and go to that instead. I felt bad about it afterwards, but for once, I stuck to my guns.

Once we’d got the short foxtrot out of the way, it was nearly time to call it a day. Just one sequence dance left and someone voted for the Square Tango. Unfortunately the person who asked for it couldn’t dance it and so we had to do a walk through first for him. There’s always one, isn’t there. With that very simple dance completed we were free to go.

Drove home through some lengthy roadworks just after entering the dual carriageway after Brookfield. We were lucky, we were only in the roadworks for about a mile. It seemed to stretch behind us for much longer.

My back was aching when we got home. I don’t thing the car seat is at the correct height yet since it went in for its recall. I must get it sorted for longer runs.

I went for a walk in St Mo’s and got a couple of decent photos, but was really cold by the time I got home. It was lovely and warm in the sunshine, but that cold wind just sucked all the heat out of the day. PoD went to a wild Dog Rose growing in a hedge in St Mo’s. I really need to get out of Cumbersheugh to take more photos.

Scamp made Prawn, Chorizo & Courgette Baked Rice for dinner and it was really very nice. After so many lunches this week, it was good to sit down to a home cooked meal.

We have no plans for tomorrow, but I think we might go for a walk somewhere scenic.

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