Going East – 15 June 2024

After a short discussion this morning, we agreed to take the train to Edinburgh.

Scamp was looking for a new bag. Not just any old Tesco bag, this was a posh, bright coloured bag she initially saw in Tiso – Glasgow last week. She wasn’t sure then whether it was right for her, but today she confirmed that she was in the search for a bright new Cotopaxi bag. It’s made from coloured sections of material all different, each bag is unique.

The train is quite convenient for travel in to Glasgow or Edinburgh and we were soon on our way. Unfortunately we had a trio of Zoomers in the same coach. They got on at Linlithgow and sat behind us, the head Zoomer didn’t shut up all the way to Edinburgh. He had an opinion, no, make that “A Sure and Certain Knowledge of EVERYTHING!” Cars, football, weans, everything you could name, he knew more than you about it. I’m not sure he stopped to take a breath all the way to the Capital. It was indeed a flow of consciousness, Man! Thankfully we got off a stop early as we usually do and left him to bore everyone on the carriage with his pointless knowledge.

We walked up to the Architectural Canyon and crossed over to Lothian Road, and Caffè Nero. From there it was down to Princes Street and over to Tiso on Rose Street to look at some bags. They looked good, but I suggested we take the tram down to Leith where there was another Tiso which might have a different selection. We did that and maybe there were a few different designs, but Scamp bought one and immediately stuffed her jacket into it to see how well it coped with actually carrying things. It worked. We found a wee market in Leith and Scamp fell into conversation with two ladies who where looking for like minded folk to knit or stitch together triangles to make squares to make the tallest knitted Christmas Tree. Scamp was quite taken by the enterprise, but unfortunately the knitting and stitching takes place on Fridays in Leith. A bit far for us to travel. We wished them well and moved on.

We walked on and found the stop for the tram that would take us back to the centre of Edinburgh. A wee man sat with us at the stop and was telling me about where in Edinburgh he had stayed. He listed a few places I remembered from when I used to come to Edinburgh with my mum and dad. Then he started telling us that cars weren’t allowed on the street the trams run on and was quite adamant that he was right. I don’t think he was.

There wasn’t much to do in Edinburgh. Neither of us was really hungry and we’d achieved our goal for the day, so we caught the train back home.

We got some chicken in M&S and Scamp later turned it into Chicken Curry. Driving home we were thinking we were running just ahead of a cloudburst, but for some reason it didn’t come.

Watched a confusing version of ‘Tinker, Tailor Soldier Spy’ that we couldn’t follow, but had some excellent acting.

PoD was a view looking down the Canyon at Conference Square in Edinburgh.

No plans for tomorrow, although I should pot up my Venus Flytrap and my miniature pitcher plants with fresh compost.

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