Here, there and everywhere – 19 September 2024

That’s how it felt. We seemed to be here, there and everywhere.

I was driving Scamp to the train station this dull morning to catch the train to Glasgow. Then I was going shopping for the ingredients for tomorrow’s dinner with Crawford & Nancy and June & Ian (I don’t know why Crawford comes before Nancy, but June comes before Ian!). Once the shopping was done I came home and had my lunch. I had most of the items on my list.

After lunch I lay down on the toilet floor and squirted more silicone up into the offending joint and almost choked on the vinegar smell from the silicone. For the second time in a week I remembered to put on the disposable gloves before I started using the sealant gun. If you don’t, it’s a messy job getting rid of the sticky silicone. Hopefully the joint will be sealed now, at least temporarily, although it will need a plumber to repair it properly.

By then, Scamp was probably on her way to meet Mags for lunch in Cumbersheugh town centre, having got an express bus from Glasgow. At last, the clouds were clearing and the sun was shining.
I was on my way to meet Fred for a coffee in Tesco. We spent an hour or so, Fred and I, setting the world to rights. Something we haven’t done for ages. Then he unloaded a few books on to me. The only thing about Fred is that he tells you almost the whole story of the book as he’s handing it to you! You don’t really need to read the book then! With the book exchange complete, we parted ways, he going to get his meds and I was going home. Tesco coffee is awful! Worse than Costa!

After catching up with Scamp, and hearing about her day, I went over to St Mo’s to see if there were any flying beasties worth photographing. Almost right away I found a Black Darter, but it was well named. It darted this way and that and wouldn’t settle. I let it have its way and waited until it trusted me, then I got a few photos of it sitting on a horsetail plant. That was PoD sorted.

Dinner tonight was Fish Fingers, Egg and Spaghetti. Then it was time for me to start the prep for tomorrow’s dinner party, Chicken Tagine. I’d made it fairly recently, but this time I had all the ingredients. It took a good hour and a half to get all the prep done and the cooking completed. It looks exactly like the last one, but just not as sweet. I think it will do the trick. I’m just doing the main with Scamp making the starter and dessert. My work is done for now.

Tomorrow more prep and more cooking probably.

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