On Fannyside Moor – 28 February 2025

Scamp was out for lunch with her friends and I took the opportunity to drive up to Fannyside Moor.

It was a cold day with a constant breeze stirring up the clouds on the moor and making it feel colder than it looked from a warm car.

I took the ‘big dog’, the A7iii with a couple of lenses. A shorter walk than I’d intended due to that wind feeling as if was cutting right through me, even with the Rab jacket. I think I spent more time watching the clouds scudding across the sky than taking photos. Watched a bloke about my age, on a mountain bike, go flying past me wearing a light jacket and shorts. That was adventurous today. Then another bloke passed me heading the other way, but he was running and dressed for the weather. Most days you see maybe one car on this road, but two folk out enjoying the fresh air was unusual. Then the inevitable car passed too. That made the trio!

Photographed a herd of sheep and a lichen covered fencepost, but PoD went to a long lens shot of the ruin of the old Jawcraig farm. In all, 28 shots taken but only 18 survived the first cull.

I decided I had enough photos to work with and drove home. Scamp arrived about an hour later

Dinner tonight was Penne al’arrabiata with the addition of some bacon.

I think we may be going dancing tomorrow. We’ll probably be the outcasts. The ones who didn’t go to Calpe for almost a week of dancing. Oh well.

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