So you think this blog writes itself – 13 October 2015

comboSo you think this blog writes itself eh? Well, let me tell you this is a time consuming project. Take today for instance. Up just after seven, when Scamp went off to work. Sat down worked through until 10.00 writing, editing photos, plugging them in to Flickr and the blog. Creating links, trying not to make too much of a mess! Still, it’s a great project and one I’m enjoying. Just, like I say, time consuming.

After all that was done I had breakfast and then started my new project – baking. Yes, I know I said I wasn’t going to enter the Bake-off, but a little bit of practise wouldn’t hurt. Today it’s scones. I made the dough too sticky, then the oven wasn’t hot enough, so I ended up with a soggy bottom or two and that’s not funny, let me tell you. Anyway, they weren’t a total disaster. A couple of them were edible.
So you think this baking is easy eh? Well, let me tell you, this is another time consuming project …

Since Scamp was cooking, I went over to St Mo’s and got a few photos. Some good ones of tiny wee toadstools. Must keep a look out for them in the next few days and try to get some some photos in better light.

Like I said, Scamp was on cooking duty tonight, so I didn’t have to worry about that. Tonight we were having a Lythe although you may know it better as Pollock. Murd had got a bucket full of the fish from some guys who were out fishing off Staffin Shore and he kindly gutted and filleted them for us. They are a lovely fish, really meaty and tasty. I’ve caught a few in my time, but rarely as big as this. Scamp cooked the fish in milk then served it with a cheese sauce and potatoes. Delicious.
So you think this cooking is easy eh? Well, let me tell you, it is if Scamp does it!

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