The morning after – 27 May 2024

I don’t think either of us slept much last night.

However, today was a new day and we packed the laptop up after breakfast and drove in to Glasgow with it. We explained the problem to the girl in John Lewis. We’d bought it on-line from JL on Thursday, but that didn’t seem to matter, we’d bought it from JL and it wasn’t working. She checked and they had one in stock, so did we want a refund or a replacement. I think we were both shocked that it was as simple as that. After a bit of a problem at the till, we walked away with another laptop exactly the same as the one we’d left on the JL counter.

Still shocked, we went for a coffee and then a walk down Buchanan Street. Me for watercolour paint and shower gel and Scamp for shower gel because it was a special offer that closed today. Rain and sun all day, but we weren’t caring. Drove home via Tesco for basics. Milk and eggs and a bottle of rum.

We started the machine and it began to fill up One Drive right away, then complained that there was no space, but we had a solution, thanks to Jamie. I logged into a free trial of Microsoft 365 I’d had in December last year and paid for a year’s family membership. That meant I had Word, Excel and an assortment of other goodies, plus 1TB of One Drive that I probably won’t fill. More importantly, Scamp had Word, Excel and even more goodies plus another 1TB of One Drive and that 1TB stopped OD complaining about no space!

Scamp has been happily filling up her computer and its cloud storage with photos today. I’ve been the on-line help.

PoD turned out to be a photo I took in Glasgow just outside the GOMA in Exchange Square of a bloke wearing a tabard which declared that he was a Tour Guide. There were a few of these people in and around Glasgow last year, but there seems to be a lot more this year. Last year the tours were free with the hope that some folk would contribute a few pounds. I listened to this bloke for a few minutes today and he was quite interesting, talking about the Tobacco Barons of old. I also noted that he had a fairly decent crowd round him. Maybe Alex and I will join one of the talks some day.

Today’s prompt asked for A Feather. I decided I’d just draw for a change with such a fragile subject. It looks a bit rough as if it’s been pulled through a hedge backwards. Maybe it has been.

Tomorrow Scamp is going to the celebration of the life of a long time member of the choir.  I’m dropping her off and then driving into Glasgow. Our car has a recall to get the mounting of the front seats checked.

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