Dunfermline – 5 September 2023

After a short discussion we headed for Dunfermline for a day in the sun.

Scamp had a dentist’s appointment this morning, but only for a checkup.  I had an appointment with a dishwasher.

I thought while Scamp was out I could have one more try at clearing out whatever was clogging up the outlet from the sump of the dishwasher, because I was sure it must be the exit pipe, not the inlet.  But before that I thought I’d try the machine on a different program, a short wash.  Maybe something was clogged in pipework connected to the program we’d been using.  It worked! It went right through the wash and rinse cycle without any mishaps.  When Scamp returned, it was just finishing the program.  She suggested we do no more to it and go out for the day.  That’s when the short discussion took place in the kitchen with the carpet rolled up and tool all over the worktop.  We were going to Dunfermline.

Drove over the Kincardine Bridge to Dunfermline and parked in a space in the park.  A place I haven’t been in for years, but it was a legal parking place and there were spaces in it while the main parking area was full.  We walked down to the Peacock cafe in the park. This cafe sells the worst coffee I’ve ever tasted.  I once watched the woman making a latte and a flat white. Both had exactly the same amount of milk and coffee in them! Either they were both lattes or both flat whites, but neither of them was a coffee.  It must be a change of staff today because Scamp said her latte was quite strong. I opted for tea and it tasted like tea.  Yes, it must be new staff, things are looking up!  We both had a scone with butter and jam and that’s when things went a bit skewiff. The scones were suffering from soggy bottoms.  Maybe the woman who used to make the coffees was now doing the baking!

We left the cafe and went for a walk round the glasshouse which isn’t always open. The heat in the glasshouse was quite oppressive after a short time inside.  I got some photos of the flowers, using the same lens and camera as yesterday, but being more careful to check the photos. Next we walked round the formal garden which seemed to be mainly roses and Echinops which Scamp thought were just past their best. I knew she was desperate to deadhead the roses and any other plants that needed the chop, but she was a visitor today, not a gardener.

We left the garden and walked into town for lunch in Wetherspoons. Fish ‘n’ Chips for Scamp and American Burger for me. Both were small portions but the cost was small too, so no complaints there. A quick scout round what used to be a bustling shopping arcade, but which is now a collection of second hand tech shops and pound shops.  Much like most of Scotland’s retail areas these days.

Drove home and managed a seat in the garden for a while Scamp with a G&T and me with a Guinness.  I’ve happily switched my allegiance from Guinness to Brewdog stout, and after drinking that Guinness, I know why.  Try it Jamie, you might like it.

PoD turned out to be a mono conversion of a Hogweed seedhead in the park in Dunfermline.

Tomorrow I’m hoping to meet Alex in Glasgow for a photo-walk and Scamp is off bargain hunting. Dance class at night in Cumbersheugh!